
To kick off the first official 8th Wonder Woman blog and the new Twitter page, we are throwing a Domestic and International “first 100 followers giveaway!” Yayyyy
I am so excited to share with you all my top 5 favorite lip glosses. 5 out of 100 followers will be chosen at random by  Winners will be announced on this blog, within one week of the 100 mark being hit. Winners will have 72 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen so check in often!  

Prizes will be chosen at random from the 8th Wonder cosmetics shop, you may or may not receive one of the following


Must be a follower of this blog: 1 point
Must be over 18 or have your parents permission to enter.

Let’s get down to business

To gain extra entries do any of the following, then leave a comment and include the information that applies to you. Please add up your points - for a total of 12 points max :

I tried to keep it as simple as possible for you and I, so by just following this blog and you are entered to win a 8th Wonder Mineral Lip Gloss, the more points the better your chances. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me, Good Luck…

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